Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Food Journal #2

What is American food?

When you walk around in a grocery store or watch television, you are kind of able to develop the feel for what we in America consider to be our cultures food. TV dinners are inherently American, Hungry Man, Jimmy Dean and others are prime examples of that pre- packaged meal which we seem to love so much. Anything it seems, which makes getting food from the refrigerator to our stomachs a quicker process is what we want. What preservatives, meat bi-products and chemicals are in that food doesnt seem to concern us. When we don't want to eat our meals at home, we tend to go to a pizza place, a McDonalds, a Taco Bell, overall, a fast food restaurant. According to a study done by the NRA (National Restaurant Association) in 2006, Americans spent about $142 billion on fast food.

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