Monday, April 27, 2009

Lets see whats in my Fridge...

-cheddar cheese
-orange juice
-cream cheese
-chocolate syrup

This list of what is in my fridge does not seem to show alot about my culture, except that most of these things are packaged in plastic containers. What this shows is that we are a pretty wasteful culture because we package food which gets consumed, and than discarded, in material which does not biodegrade. I think that what is even more wasteful is that certain packages such as the chocolate syrup bottle CAN be refilled (the cap screws off) but their is no real environmentally friendly way to refill the bottle. I do not think that this is an American specific problem, food is packaged virtually the same in every other developed country in the world. For that reason, I really do not know what this shows about America in particular.

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